Albergo Ristorante Italia

di Rosso Maurizio

Via Nazionale 78
15020 Cerrina Valle (AL)

VAT ID 00212910061

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday lunch only
Wednesday closed
Friday and Saturday lunch and dinner


Ristorante Italia, Cerrina Valle (AL) - Italia 

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Ristorante Italia

About us

Back in 1969, everything started with a marriage, such as in the most part of sane italian companies realities.
Franca and Ortensio, fresh of marriage, back from the honey moon at Limone Piemonte, takes the decision to acquire the bar-trattoria (bar-bistrot) "Italia" in Cerrina Monferrato, small town in the “Monferrato Casalese”.

Today, as it was more that 40 years ago, miss Franca is the pulsing heart of the kitchen, along with her younger son Gian Mario, Ortensio has happily retired and he is now a farmer, taking care of the vegetable garden and searching for truffles; Maurizio, the eldest son, look after administrative tasks while Alessia, Gian Mario's wife, is in charge of the dining room and of course of the cellar, because she is sommelier.

In a crysis period just like the one we're in, with a scarcity of cash and many more competitors, we always try to find solutions that satisfies our customers, by offering our best choices: ENTHUSIASM, PERIODICITY, REGIONALITY, SOSTENIBILITY e CONCRETENESS.